At times in our journey we have to close doors on our Past before We can Open a door to continue on...It is at these times that our faith in our HP or God is tested...
This is part of our growing..To move forward in the dark and Unknowing...

This line is taken from the Footprints poem...I never really understood this until I was in the program for a wile...Even though my Wife that pass away had this around the house...She did many in counted Cross-Stitch...
In our Disease one of our problems was our Wants...We wanted our Instant Gratification...
There are NO shortcuts...There are only the Steps...You must use them...
Some of us have had a Spiritual Awakening wile working the Steps, some when they finished working the Steps with a Sponsor and some have never had it..Yet they keep working the Steps to the Best of their Ability...This is something between you and your HP or the God of your understanding...
There are No Coincidences...
This is something I have come too Believe...
When I first came into the Rooms (the Coral Room) the Coral Gables Group of AA...
I found that their were a lot of Positive people there...Also a smaller group of people, the naysayers, always telling you what was wrong with AA...
For some reason these people seemed Sober but just hanging on...They would be around for awhile then disappear...And then just show up again..with the same Old BS....
There are also (thank God) a smaller group of people I like to refer to as the Dry Angry Drunks...(DADs)
I try and stay away from these people they are two ways about it...
All they do is complain about everything and they try and drag you into it...
If you are working a Good Program with a Sponsor and Put nothing in front of staying Sober..
You will escape these people and let them go spinning Off...
I am at a point in this Month of September that affects me Emotionally every year, today is the 26th...
The 19th of Sept. would have been the Birthday, of my wife that passed away; ...
Then the 27th is the Day she Died....
And on the 28th I am another year Older...
Growing up I always thought September was a Great Month...
I am Grateful that AA has shown me how to live my Life without Alcohol...
And how to get through the hardships of Life...
I Know and Believe that I would not be Alive...without the tools AA has given me...
All I can do is NOT Drink Today....
20 October 2010
At a Step meeting Today...Step 6
We're entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.SEVENTH STEP
Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.As usual I have at times questioned, the Speakers that they have asked to do the Step Series...
The young man that is doing them, is from a group up in Ft.Lauderdale...spent 40 minutes talking about his personal "defects of character." and his problems with his wife...
When I went through the Steps and when I have done a Step Series and heard others 6 and 7 were always combined.....maybe I am too critical, one of my many defects...I don't know, but bring your personal problems into a Step Discussion...and for some reason what he talked about did not seem to ring True...but who am I too Judge...I'll try and make it to next week for the 7th Step....
If you have Enjoyed or have any words of encouragement.. Please leave a comment...
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