Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday Evening

Sometimes it's hard to understand where my life is heading...I am not complaining mind you...I know that I have spoken about my EGO n Me....For a long time now I have been able to control my EGO...But it has now come to my Attention that there (2) two more parts to my personality that I have too drag around also...


How did these two slip past when I did my Personal Inventory...


This is the Sailing vessel that I lived and worked on for 3 1/2 years...It was 55 feet long, 12 foot beam and drew 6.5 feet of water. Made of a Ferro Cement hull...Fiber Glass Deck and Cabins..Sleeps 6+ ...

Had a good time living and working on this Boat....

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday Night

Well it's been a long day, I listened to the Glenn Beck Special on the Computer today for 3+ hrs.....I believe it was worth it...It seemed very strange that a lot of the Haters were very quite on Face book after the show...Their were a few (less than 5) that were doing any bashing...also there were only some (less than 10) that had any thing positive too say... I don't know what this will mean in the future, but I know it's not over...
It was NOT political, But is was About HONOR; Faith, Hope and Charity...I love my Country it was an Honor to serve, I have a God of my understanding and that is my Faith, I have a belief that this country will find its way back to it's ROOTS this is my Hope and find a way to take care of the poor and homeless citizens of this country with the Charity that is necessary...

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Little Voices

Sometimes it's the little voices in my head....Me and my EGO...I have a hard time with him, but I usually WIN...    
But it is the crazy the Ear Wax ...


It's Morning...

It's not even a T.G.I.F. it's  about waking up...When you wake in the morning on your own, you tend to have a better day.

But too be woken up by a very loud noise outside...even tho it is your normal wake up time...Take this morning I was awaken by a ride around mower and two leaf blowers at about 6:10 AM, A commercial lawn care company cutting the grass for the Taco Bell across the street. This is not Good....

I do tend to get a little Grouchy....So be Warned....

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Very close Day

Well I made it Food Shopping, Trying too Stretch a Dollar...Using coupons and buy1/get1 items..I managed too cut it very close...Used my Bank Card for my Checking Acct. well I have $0.31 left..Till next week...
Not to worry I have Cash put away..I'll make it...


Rainy Days

Rainy Morning in S.Florida bring out some strange sights...But into every life a little rain must fall...And this is S.Fl. wait an hour it will change...
As I have said If you wait long enough about 2.5 hrs. it gets sunny around here...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

And Life Goes On....


Sunrise is creeping up on me...But I am ahead of it...But alas It will catch to me, about Noon time and the Sun will be overhead...Hopefully i will be in a Meeting...

Oh well the best laid plans on mice and Men, The Elevator Gods were against me...Got all dressed up...had an extra bottle of Oxygen, I wanted to go to the DMV for some paper work and also stop at the auto parts store....NOT...Got too the elevator and the sign said OUT of ORDER...I have to guess that my HP did not want me out running around..So...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Enlarged photos

I was asked to post the larger pictures....I don't know but this Guy just seems to be enjoying what ever...

And this guy just reminds my of someone that has seen all the problems of the world...

And who could forget Diogenes....They just won't leave him alone....

Ah Good Morning...

The Breakfast of fishermen many a morning I stop at a place similar to this...They always had free donuts...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Good Morning one N all

Another day, I have declared today as Laundry Day...
This will all depend on the availability of Machines in the Apt. complex..
I should be grateful there was a time that I did wear clothing till it fell off and bought something new...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Eternal Father

This is a little thing I put together in May of  2010, for American Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day...It is NOT about War...But the Men and Women in our Armed Services that are at the Ready...

Friend of Bill's

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Some of you may know, some may have suspected and others may not care...But If It bothers you...Please leave and don't let the Door hit you in the Ass on the way out..Thank You...the Mgmt..

Now that we have the formalities over with, I just got home from a Great Meeting...I have not been to in many years. The 12 noon Sunday 'Slippers Meeting' by my count a little over 100 people. The Lady that Shared was a little younger then me with about 8 years time...but she hit on a few Great points..But one of the guys that had a chance to say a few words said something he heard at the State Convention...That this program "Teaches us God Reliance" and this hit me like the proverbial ton of Bricks...How I have over the years come to Rely on the God of my understanding...

Early Sunday Morning

Just wrapping myself around a few billion molecules of Caffeine...This is also my Quite time..It is also quite in the Hood...The natives are all pass out somewhere, we had a good Rain overnight and it cooled the air down a little. I have not read or heard any overnight News so I will now go and have my head filled with...

Sorry to put it so Bluntly...But I'll be back later...Onward..Upward..and may be I can get Over It...

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Greetings to one and all, today has been a day of Acceptance...Got up this morning and my back was killing me...must have something yesterday when I was getting the New Tire for my Car...Well a little extra rest, Motrin 800mg. and a Heating Pad this morning...Feeling better around noon, went out shopping for food took it slow and easy...It's the Heat that gets to you here...But as they say...

Now I am trying to rest my back again and watch some Football....Post some more tomorrow...

Friday, August 20, 2010


I think maybe it's time to explain calling my-self a Reprobate; A rep-ro-bate is a morally unprincipled person in some Societies and in others on the fringe...I have my own Moral standard, that is between 'me' and 'my God' of 'my understanding'...I admit I have a very strange sense of humor...Not everyone will see what I see....So if I offend you please tell your friends...At 62 I see the world a lot differently then when I was 32...BBL


Well kiddy's it's Friday about 6:30 AM...And it's already starting but that's OK, we just keep on keeping on...I'll check back in a little later....

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Times are a Changing

I know that I have not posted to this Blog in about 5 years..I forgot all about it....But I will try and make up for lost time....It is now 2010 and I am 62 almost 63 God willing....As you can see I am on Oxygen except when I sleep...So you have been Warned...