
This is something I came across...I do not know it's Title or Who wrote It...
But I Think it is Beautiful and says so much...

"Once, I had awareness of everything and it was Beautiful

I went searching for something to do and I spotted Earth and asked if I could go for awhile.

Little did I know the trauma that would be involved!

There was such a tiny way of getting there and I found myself being squeezed so tight in an entry called

birth, that it robbed me of the memory of where I was before.

I was pressed into, imprisoned, in an object called a body, and there wasn't any room for all of


It was so different, so new, so small.

I was at a loss with out my memory.

I had to start anew, as the things within my trap were all that is.

This thing I live in, called a body, took some time

to function well.

It had to learn to walk and talk and give me space

to be.

I was given a piece of machinery called a mind.

How inadequate it was!

All it could do was throw out choices , two at a time.

I had to choose which one worked and which one wouldn't.

If only I could have brought my memory along,

I would have done so well but losing it was the price I payed

for coming here to live on earth.

Now, I've been here many years and little by little, my memory is coming back.

Not always, but from time to time, I see a glimpse of how it used to be.

Maybe that's a sign, my job on Earth is near to being done.

Maybe soon, I'll squeeze back through another tight and tiny place called "Death",

where I'll return free again,

To continue being


One of the things, I had to find out.. Who I was and Accepting that I was not the person I thought I was...
We tend to grow up with an Idea or Concept of a Persona that we present to the world...
And as we Grow Older we tend to Believe this Lie...
When we become Honest with our self...We see the Facade for the Mask that it is....

I have a little Moon Madness Tonight..I made this up too Relax with...

I did this Today on a Rainy Thursday Morning...Feeling a little Swampy...

                   Some Inspirational Regeneration...

                The Sailor's 23rd Psalm

The Lord is my pilot, I shall not go adrift;
He lighteth my passage across dark channels;
He steereth me through the deep waters,
He keepeth my log.

He guideth me by the evening star for my safety's sake.
Yea, though I sail mid the thunders and tempests of life,
I shall fear no peril, for Thou art with me,
Thy stars and heavens, they comfort me.

The vastness of thy sea upholds me.
Surely fair winds and safe harbors shall be found,
All the days of my life;
And I shall moor, fast and secure, forever.

If you have Enjoyed or have any words of encouragement.. Please leave a comment...

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