Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I Want to be Very Clear Here...LOL

Sounds like someone...

When I was a kid growing up in a Catholic grammar school...every year that school Started in September and with in a few weeks....It was time to start taking Orders for the School Christmas Cards, wrapping paper, ribbons and Gifts...

The neighborhood was flooded with Catholic School Kids...selling this stuff...same stuff every year. The Parents and Relatives ALL had to Buy...

I seen also an Ad on the Back Page of a Comic Book that you could Earn Money Selling the Same Stuff...
So I signed up for this and was soon EARNING some Good Money for a Kid 12 or 13 years Old...
One year I did make over $150...Did this till I was about 16...

I think it was about the 6th or 7th Grade that I seen an Ad in the NEW TV Guide for Delivery Boys...I started doing this till I went to High School...

In High School (Freshman Year) 9th Grade, I worked in the Cafeteria Kitchen washing Trays on my Lunch Hour...(Free Lunch all you could Eat)My lunch money my parents gave me was better off in my pocket.

When your 15 in Highs School Summer the only Jobs around are Cutting Grass...Sooo...

But when I turned 16..Real Money...I started working a REAL Job...PAYING TAXIES and EVERY THING...

Let me Interject a NOTE of Wisdom from my Father here...He Said:
"If your going to do a Job, do It well enough that you have NO Fear of putting your Name on IT."
These are words that I have tried to Live By...

So now at 64, I have been on SSI for 9 years do to Damage to my Elbows and other parts of my Body...

The longest I had ever been Unemployed was about a Month and a Half...Just before I went into the Navy for a Second Time...

I have worked in a few Different Fields and Job Titles...Have been a Union Member and Boss...I am an Engineer...

I have Enjoyed my Work/Learning Experience and have been Proud to PUT My Name on Many Pieces of Work...

If you have Enjoyed or have any words of encouragement.. Please leave a comment...

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