Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Occupy, Occupiers or Squatters

OK what is the difference...A lot depending on what you are Occupying or trying to Occupy.
On Trains, Planes and Boats there are little Signs too tell you.

I have not Said anything till now, that they are finally throwing OUT the people that have been Occupying the Park... In their Occupy Wall Street in New York City and other places around the Country.


This is SQUATTING...

In a Public Park Not on Wall Street...

I have nothing Against Protesting

as long as it is done in an Orderly Manner!!!

In an orderly protest you don't have people getting Shot and Raped or Robbed...
By the people that are supposed to be with you.

If you are having an Orderly Protest you should be able to Control the people that are with you...

It's hard to Believe that this guy is a True Protester...
Looks more like a Homeless Bum...or someone with Mental Problems...

Some of the Protesters were Organized and Controlled at the Start...
Then it seemed to Fall apart as more people joined the Original Protesters...

Even in different parts of the Country it seemed to Start well enough...
Then as it Grew things went Wrong.

People with nothing better to do seemed to join in as a lark...just something to do.

I think they Started Out with this Protest with some Good Ideas...

But they became lost in the Media Coverage and people that were hoping to be seen on the 6 O'clock

If you have Enjoyed or have any words of encouragement.. Please leave a comment...

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