Thursday, February 23, 2012

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Monday, January 16, 2012

First President

Pretty hefty list of "accomplishments" 

Who said he hasn't done anything?
First  to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.
First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.
First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States .
First President to violate the War Powers Act.
First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico .
First President to defy a Federal Judges court order to cease implementing the Health Care Reform Law.
First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.
First President to spend a trillion dollars on shovel-ready jobs when there was no such thing as shovel-ready jobs.
First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.
First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. , including those with criminal convictions.
First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
First President to terminate America s ability to put a man in space.
First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out on the reasons for their rate increases.
First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which State they are allowed to locate a factory.
First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.
First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.
First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 90 to date.
First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.
First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.
First President to go on multiple global apology tours.
First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends; paid for by the taxpayer.
First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.
First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.
First President to repeat the Holy Qur'and tells us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.
so how is this hope and change working out for ya?

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Occupy, Occupiers or Squatters

OK what is the difference...A lot depending on what you are Occupying or trying to Occupy.
On Trains, Planes and Boats there are little Signs too tell you.

I have not Said anything till now, that they are finally throwing OUT the people that have been Occupying the Park... In their Occupy Wall Street in New York City and other places around the Country.


This is SQUATTING...

In a Public Park Not on Wall Street...

I have nothing Against Protesting

as long as it is done in an Orderly Manner!!!

In an orderly protest you don't have people getting Shot and Raped or Robbed...
By the people that are supposed to be with you.

If you are having an Orderly Protest you should be able to Control the people that are with you...

It's hard to Believe that this guy is a True Protester...
Looks more like a Homeless Bum...or someone with Mental Problems...

Some of the Protesters were Organized and Controlled at the Start...
Then it seemed to Fall apart as more people joined the Original Protesters...

Even in different parts of the Country it seemed to Start well enough...
Then as it Grew things went Wrong.

People with nothing better to do seemed to join in as a lark...just something to do.

I think they Started Out with this Protest with some Good Ideas...

But they became lost in the Media Coverage and people that were hoping to be seen on the 6 O'clock

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Continuing Saga of my Heart

As some of you know back in September on the 28th (My Birthday)(64) I ended up in the VA Hosp. here in Miami, Fl. do too a Hart Arrhythmia and GI Bleeding. See Blog for 8 Oct. 11.

I went for a Cardio/Echo Test on Tuesday the 8th of Nov. 11. Well Guess what...

They were able too do do the Test but had too Inject some type of carbonated fluid into my system too enhance the ultrasound picture (contrast)...All I could think of was Club Soda and NO Bourbon....

So they Shipped me up to CCU so they could Monitor me...

This is what occurred do too NOT paying Attention, on my Part too My Medications.

On Friday the 4th of Nov. 11 I was here at the VA Hosp. To see the Heart Doctor from my last Stay here.
It seems that She had other things on her mind...(Personal)..and instead of doing my Medication Refills, she called my Primary Care Doc. to do the I went to see him...he was only able to see me for about 5min. He did some of the Refills but not the ONES I need for the Heart...of course he did not know and neither did I....I know that I had Run Out that Morning of some of them but I DID NOT KNOW the Important ones that had to be Refilled....So I had gone all weekend without a Very Important One.

This is what had Set my Heart off to do Strange things on Tuesday...

But Now they have CHANGED Diagnosis From Arrhythmia to Tachycardia...

This Tachycardia sounds more like what is going on ( I looked it up ) there are some tests (out-patient) and Blood Tests...

One of the Real Draw Backs is that my Veins have gotten Smaller and tend to roll or move when they are TRYING too Draw Blood...and they end up Jabbing your Arms and Hands or Wrists all over the place.
Looks like you tried to Hug a Porcupine.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I Want to be Very Clear Here...LOL

Sounds like someone...

When I was a kid growing up in a Catholic grammar school...every year that school Started in September and with in a few weeks....It was time to start taking Orders for the School Christmas Cards, wrapping paper, ribbons and Gifts...

The neighborhood was flooded with Catholic School Kids...selling this stuff...same stuff every year. The Parents and Relatives ALL had to Buy...

I seen also an Ad on the Back Page of a Comic Book that you could Earn Money Selling the Same Stuff...
So I signed up for this and was soon EARNING some Good Money for a Kid 12 or 13 years Old...
One year I did make over $150...Did this till I was about 16...

I think it was about the 6th or 7th Grade that I seen an Ad in the NEW TV Guide for Delivery Boys...I started doing this till I went to High School...

In High School (Freshman Year) 9th Grade, I worked in the Cafeteria Kitchen washing Trays on my Lunch Hour...(Free Lunch all you could Eat)My lunch money my parents gave me was better off in my pocket.

When your 15 in Highs School Summer the only Jobs around are Cutting Grass...Sooo...

But when I turned 16..Real Money...I started working a REAL Job...PAYING TAXIES and EVERY THING...

Let me Interject a NOTE of Wisdom from my Father here...He Said:
"If your going to do a Job, do It well enough that you have NO Fear of putting your Name on IT."
These are words that I have tried to Live By...

So now at 64, I have been on SSI for 9 years do to Damage to my Elbows and other parts of my Body...

The longest I had ever been Unemployed was about a Month and a Half...Just before I went into the Navy for a Second Time...

I have worked in a few Different Fields and Job Titles...Have been a Union Member and Boss...I am an Engineer...

I have Enjoyed my Work/Learning Experience and have been Proud to PUT My Name on Many Pieces of Work...

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Saturday, October 08, 2011

OhGod/OhGod/OhGod Part #2...Or Taser me Bro...

Or Taser me Bro...

On September 28th, my 64th Birthday went in to see my Primary Care Doctor @ the VA Hosp.
When the Nurse checked my Vital Signs BP-Pulse-Temp. and listened to my Heart...

It seems that my BP-Pulse was well below Normal also my Temp. and she said my Heart sounded like a Cheep Coffee Grinder...

Wile I had been Waiting I was Hungry, so I had a Large Chocolate Candy Bar...At a little after 11AM...   (this is Important)...

I was RUSHED too the Emergency Room...

It seems that I was in the Middle of Heart Arrhythmia...brought on by the Loss of Blood from the GI Bleeding...the build up of Fluids in my Legs and Stomach area...

This was at about 12:30-1:00 PM, Lunch time...they Wanted to Jump Start my Heart then but the Guys from Cardio said not to...the only thing I had in my Stomach was (drum roll) the Large Chocolate Candy Bar...they had already shaved part of my Chest and had something plastered there and some thing on my back...had a Hart Monitor on, EKG hook-ups, IV's...So they sent me up to CCU to be monitored till the Chocolate was out of my System...Seems the  Chocolate has an Effect on the Hart. So a little after 11PM on the Night of my Birthday...I was Jump STARTED not that bad of a Jolt...I've been Hit with Higher Volts.

So the next few days were spent being Monitored for the Heart...and they started to Figure out what was causing my Rectal Bleeding, Stomach and Leg Swelling...Low Blood Volume and Low Potassium...

It seems that I am suffering from  Lower Colon Syndrome...Extreme Inflammation...All this ties together with the Heart...The Low Blood Vol. knocks the Heart out of  Synchronization also causes the Fluids to Build up to replace the shrinking of the Blood Vessels...and this can be linked back too the Diverticulitis and the Hematoma...

And Boys and Girls How did we Find out about this...? Can we Say "COLONOSCOPY" they only did a partial this time 'I will go in for a FULL one SOON'....

I am on the mend...feeling Stronger everyday and Thanking GOD Everyday....

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Saturday, September 17, 2011



This is all I remember going through my Head/Hearing on the Night of  Monday 29 August 2011.

And some crazed Doctor yelling in my ear...Live or Die...something about my Kidneys Shutting Down...
He wanted permission to put a Stint in my Neck to Clean my Blood (Dialysis)...I finally said 'YES'...I wanted too LIVE...
Needless to say I was one Sick Boy...

I have vague memories of the next few days...In and out of whatever...not real sleep. As soon as some one came near me or in my room my eyes would open. As near as I can Figure about the 4th of Sept. (6 days) I started to recognize people Doctors and Nurses...Good and Bad. And think, speak and answer questions.

It seems that at the time I had a Very Large Blood/Puss Absess moving around my Left Stomach Area.
I had this Drain in my Left Side...a Foley Catheter for Urine and a Balloon up inside me for Poop.

Let's jump back a few Blog Pages.... and

It seems that I still had the diverticulitis going on and the Hematoma took off on it's own....

They let me come home this past Monday Night...12 Sept. 2011...I still have swelling of my Stomach Area...and some swelling of my legs these are going down It's all Fluid...

I seem to be getting real a slow pace...But I guess It's GOD's Time...that I am still HERE.


Just an Addendum to this it is Two weeks that I am home...26 Sept. 2011...I still have swelling of my Stomach Area...and also Leakage from where the Drain was in my side...It is Clear/Sticky...The Leg swelling has not gotten any long as my legs are raised the swelling in my feet goes down...I put my feet on the floor and 10min. later they are swollen. I go to see my Primary Care on Wednesday the 28th my BD. Hopefully we can get this straighten out...

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thank You All

Just a Little Thank You To All the People from around the World...That have STOPED by...

According to the World Map Tracking (upper right on page) 1502 Views in less than a Year...Starting on Sept. 11, 2010...

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I have Returned...

Yes I am back from my Recent trip to the VA Hosp.

Last Friday Evening Aug. 11th. I was having some Extreme Stabbing Pain in the Lower Left Side of my Abdomen Area...I was also having some Colon Problems...

Similar to what occurred back at the End of March. .

As I said it was Similar but not the Same...Now an Area on the Left side Felt Warm, Hard and Distended...Very painful to Touch...

Well Friday Night they Ran some Tests and X-Rays and Admitted me...On Saturday they did A CT Scan...
That Showed that the Pain was NOT part of my Colon....

What they Believe is that somehow I Broke a Blood Vessel in the FAT/Mussel Area next to the Abdomen Wall that put Pressure on the Colon...Think Blood Bruise or Hematoma...Large about the Size of a Child's Fist...

So now I'm Home...With Orders to Rest, Take Pain Pills, Rest...

It could have been Worse, but Life Goes On...I'm Thankful to GOD and the Doctors and Nurses at the VA Hosp.

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Monday, July 04, 2011

Independence Day 4th. of July 2011

We here in America celebrate the Forth of July as our Independence Day...From England...

A Smart Ass Friend (a Liberal/Democrat) says to me the other day that, "The Only reason Americans fought the Revolution was that a group of Fat, Rich, White Guys did not want to Pay their Fair Share Tax's"...And wanted to Keep all the Money here in America and Not Help the Poor Farmers....

I almost Hit this Guy...I have found that there is 'NO Arguing' with this kind of Logic...just let the Fool Run on...I did ask him WHY he Celebrated the Day...

Oh Yes there were Tax's involved...But they were called Act's...The Stamp Act...there were quite a few...almost everything that came into this Country had an Act or Tax on it...But when the Colonists wanted a say in what was going on in the English Parliament or Had to Live by the Kings Rule with no way of Addressing these Laws...

King George III

And it was not so much of the Rich Guy's but the Average guy in the Town and the Farmers that were against the Tax's...

A small group of Colonists Disguised as Indians Raided a Few Ships in Boston Harbor and Dumped a Few Cases of Tea into the Harbor....This was the Boston Tea Party...This more or less Started the Whole Revolution and It Escalated from there...

It Encompassed the Eastern Sea Boards 13 Colonies....The Rest they say is History...

I do Not Believe It was Started By a Bunch of
Fat, Rich, White Guys...

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