Monday, February 07, 2011

Still Hanging

It's been a Wild Ride, over the Past few Weeks...Blood Pressure and Hart Rate have come down to a Normal Level for me...But I just do not feel as Good as I did a Few Weeks Ago...

I have a Call into my Doc at the VA Today

I had a Very rough Night Last Night...I had the sensation of not getting enough AIR in my Lungs...
Shortness of Breath

This has been going on all Day Yesterday...every time I moved around or did things I had too STOP and Breath for a few Minutes...

I am on Oxygen 24/7....but Normally I can Sleep with NO, O2 just have it near by.

The Doctor had me STOP using one of my Inhalers that has a STEROID in it...
I am just wondering if this is Part or All my Problem...
Well just Waiting too Hear...I Hope he calls Soon...10:45AM

OK it is Now 17:45 (05:45PM)

I heard from my Primary Care Doctor

And he Said to go back on the Inhaler Medication he had me STOP...

Ahhh...I can Breath Again...
With in a few minutes I was feeling a Whole lot Better...
Starting a New Year of Sobriety to Day God Willing.....

If you have Enjoyed or have any words of encouragement.. Please leave a comment...

1 comment:

Sarah Lulu said...

Hmmm well that's good if it's sorted now! I'm on a steroid inhaler since my rush to ER...making me feel fantastic.

I hope you feel MUCH better in your tomorrow. xx